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10 - spezielle Aspekte für Entwicklungsländer
In den Kapitel blättern: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11

10.1 - Direktinvestitionen
10.2 - Verschuldung

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10 - spezielle Aspekte für Entwicklungsländer

IMF / E. Prasad, K. Rogoff, S. - J. Wei and M. Ayhan Kose
Effects of Financial Globalization on Developing
Countries: Some Empirical Evidence

Stephany Griffith-Jones
How to Prevent the New Basel Capital Accord
Harming Developing Countries

Jan Kregel
Recent Instability in Financial Markets and the Implications for Developing Countries

Martina Metzger
BIF - Working papers on financial markets
BaselI - Benefits for developing countries?

World Bank
Global Development Finance
Striving for Stability in Development Finance

World Bank
Overview and Policy Messages: Striving
for Stability in Development Finance

World Bank
Statistical Appendix

Seite 2 / 2 - zu Seite: 1 - 2

Martin Koehler
FfD Update - Taking the political temperature

Letter of international NGO's
concerning the Financing for Development (FFD)

Rainer Falk / Martina Metzger
Entwicklungshilfe aufstocken? – Eine Kontroverse

Waltraud Schelkle
Die Theorie der geldwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung